Xilinx specializes in solutions for artificial intelligence and Big Data, is the creator of the industry’s first adaptive computer (ACAP). The company was the first in the world to develop FPGAs and programmable SoCa chips. The latest solution designed by Xilinx engineers and technicians are acceleration platforms. Xilinx products are highly flexible, programmable, and, in addition, thanks to a suite of advanced software and personalized tools, have a great advantage over competitors’ products. These systems are innovative across a wide range of industries and technologies – from consumer devices, to solutions supporting autonomous cars, to cloud solutions. In 2019, the company acquired manufacturer Solarfare, which has 4 main product paths: SolarCapture (packet capture up to 40GbE), SolarSecure (security platform in the form of a network card), XtremeScale network cards (network cards with speeds from 10G to 100G), and network card software extensions (NVMe over fabric or TCPDirect). Xilinx delivers the IT industry’s most dynamic computing technology, enabling rapid deployment of innovative solutions through its flexible adaptive intelligent computing system. Xilinx has patented over 4400 designs, has 5000 employees and 60,000 customers.
Author’s Acceleration Platform (ACAP)
Today, in the era of big data and artificial intelligence, ACAP is ideally suited to accelerate a wide range of programs and applications. Key platform tasks include: video transcoding, database processing, fast data compression, search, AI inference, genomics, machine learning, computational memory, and network acceleration. Software and hardware developers will be able to design ACAP-based products for Edge applications and cloud solutions.

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Ask our specialist about this manufacturer’s solutions:
Michal Sobieski
Product Manager
+48 609 603 188